This weekend was packed with lots of celebrating. I will give you a quick rundown. This past week Will turned 30. We saved his celebration until the weekend. I had a day full of his favorite activities planned followed by an evening of making one of his dreams come true (not that). Will and I have this funny saying "When our ship comes in." Whenever we have conversations about things that would be nice to have one day we tell the other one to put it on the ship. One of Will's dreams was to have a bar at home. For his birthday this year I had his friends bring him a bottle of liquor to make this dream a reality.
The day started off with a wonderful breakfast at the Ver Hoef's. They fixed homemade wheat waffles topped with whip cream and strawberries.
They were so yummy! |
After breakfast we went and celebrated Mikey's birthday with a second breakfast. He and Will have the same birthday but Mikey is a few hours older. He doesn't often let Will forget that. After that we had a nap and did a little reading until the adventures continued.
Off next to Ruffner Mountain to meet Jaime and Clark Powell for a hike. Jaime's sister, Casey, was in town so she joined us too.
Our little hiker. |
The whole gang |
After our hike I dropped Will off to meet his next surprise guest. It was his friend Jonathan who was waiting at Good People brewery. Then after that we headed to dinner with the Hannon's at The Little Donkey.
Then over to Parkside where his friends were waiting to celebrate. Everyone brought a bottle of liquor for the home bar and we spent the rest of the evening mingling and dodging the smoke from the fire pit. Thank you to everyone who was able to celebrate this exciting time as Will hit the big 3-0.
Lovely ladies. |
What birthday would be complete without cupcakes? These are not just any cupcakes but Settlers of Catan cupcakes.
Tamales for brick, marshmallows for sheep, oreo's for ore, tootsie rolls for wood, and shredded wheat for wheat. |
On Sunday it was upper 60's here and it was so nice to have the sun beaming on our faces. We went to the park along with most everyone else who was glad to see the warmer weather.
On Monday Will had to be at the school to find out if he matched into a residency program. We went to check his email and there those words were : Congratulations! You have matched! We were beyond excited. Only a few more days and we will find out exactly where we will be.
I hope everyone had a great weekend wherever you were and whatever you did.