Tuesday, June 19, 2012

We headed to the country this past weekend, to be more exact Troy Alabama. We had a great weekend with the Williams side of the family. Will, Vivi, and I decided to go for a walk and pick some blackberries BUT we missed blackberry season. It was disappointing because I was looking forward to blabkberry muffins but the walk was nice.

I ate half of them before I took this picture.
Our hipster family photo

Sweet Girl

The Ranch

On Sunday we headed home but first we stopped in Clanton to get ice cream and meet up with the Hannons. We had big plans to explore the city of Clanton Alabama, but we got a late start. The rules of Clanton campers is that you have to bring one item from Goodwill. We would draw names and you had to wear that item as we made our way around Clanton. We had plans to get their peach pecan ice cream, visit a local flea market, pick blueberries, and find some good old fashioned square dancing. Well I am sad to say the only thing we accomplished was getting ice cream. It turns out you can't pick blueberries after 5 and we didn't have time for the rest of the events.

Picking Names


Clearly I lost.

But the ice cream was a win.

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