Monday, June 6, 2011

Weekend Wrapup

 This weekend I had all the time I wanted to myself. I indulged in many craft projects, watched movies, and read. It was a relaxing weekend.
I made this for a friend who I later met for lunch. 

She wanted something to put in her dorm room.

I did a lot of this. We are slowly getting ready to move.

My friend Alex turned 31.
We went to Yogurt mountain to celebrate.
Our porch garden that Will planted has
some tomatoes. Salsa here I come.
I got around to sewing the buttons on my dress.

Made another bonnet.
Made some stationary.

I am going to try and send a letter a month when we are in Africa.
I am on a classic movie kick. These are the ones I watched this weekend:

I have never seen either of these movies. I had no idea that Wayne's World was mimicking The Graduate. Nor did I know that Simon and Garfunkel wrote the music specifically for that movie. Mrs. Robinson makes so much more sense now.

  I have a question. David Bowie what were you thinking? Labyrinth was the strangest movie. I wouldn't be surprised if kids were wetting the bed up into high school because of this movie. How was your weekend?


  1. I love Labyrinth!!! My brother and I used to watch it all the time!

  2. Dude, rachel, i used to watch the labyrinth. Do you remember who i said you used to remind me of from that movie????

    love you

  3. isn't the graduate a great movie?!? i got on a classic movie kick a while back and this one was on my list... along with breakfast at tiffany's and casablanca... both equally good. ps... i will be trying that watermelon situation drink you made a few posts below very soon.

  4. @Lindsay you told me the work, but I don't see it. @Julia we froze the leftover watermelon drink and it made a nice cold treat.

  5. ahh!! i used to watch the labryrinth all the time too with my little brother! lol...i don't know what we were thinking! don't think i ever wet the bed, but i am sure i had a few nightmares, but yet, we still watched it. over and over. who's got the babe?
