Monday, April 16, 2012

Easter Pictures

These are a little overdue but I thought I would share them anyway. We spent Easter weekend in Troy with Will's family and then headed to the lake.

Swinging with her grandmother.

It is so fun to watch Frank talk to Vivi.

I love her expression in this picture.

They are planting a tree for Vivi.

 She will have her very own lime tree. It will
hopefully be special to her and connect her to the
earth and its goodness. 

The Williams family 
Will's beautiful decorating skills. He is kinda like Peeta.

Impressive Huh?

Whimsical flower


The lake was perfect.

Being lazy and enjoying every minute of it.


  1. Vivi is beautiful, Rachel.

    My mom and grandmothers planted a tree in my parents' backyard the day before I was born. I like that story and that tree so much. I hope Vivi will like hers, too.

  2. I Love these pics. What a sweet family picture of you all. She has gotten so big. I miss her!!!

    PS - the bunny icing drawing is impressive
